About Me

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Swansea, United Kingdom
hi, i'm laura! i'm currently in my final year of swansea metropolitan university studying general illustration. i like to focus my work towards the line of fashion illustration and advertising, although i will happily cover other areas of illustration and fine art. I enjoy using a range of different media to create hand-drawn pieces. I partially enjoy life drawing and i like to include the human form in many of my illustrations. Any queries please email me! thanks for visiting :)

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

life drawing

here are some life drawing pieces. some are from working with live models, others are from photographic imagery.

ink wash over crayon line drawing

washes with coffee

acrylic paint- work for lingerie advertisement

acrylic paint- work for lingerie advertisement

pen and a large stick- experimental life drawing

pen and a large stick- experimental life drawing 

collage and pencil female life-drawing piece- working on tone

linear life drawing using charcoal

profile piece using oil stick and oil pastel

linear female model using pink pencil

mono-print, development page.

linear pencil drawing- female model

character development

character development for various projects. 

pencil drawing- development page

development page- brio ben against collage background and white wash

white paint line drawing against black paper and red acrylic- developing characters

collage, brio and acrylic- page set up/character design

pen and ink- character design for greetings card

acrylic, brio and collage- development page/ character design for album cover work

fashion illustrations

development work for fashion illustrations! there are more finialised fashion illustrations to be uploaded soon.

illustration that i created on a hair fascinator. more of these to be created.

development work for fashion editorial using ink washes and fine liner.

development piece for fashion editorial using pen and ink.

development piece for fashion editorial, acrylic ink washes with fine liner.

developemt for fashion illustrations using collage and ink.

acrylic paint and ink, illustration for book.

editorial development piece using oil stick and oil pastel

editorial development piece using oil stick and oil pastel

experimental work

experimental work from various different projects. I like working in a range of different mediums. :)

mixed media of acrylic, pencil and collage.

Collage and hand stitching. I have also done character design with the same technique.

shoes-coloured pencil and charcoal.

skulls-black ball point pen and water colour.

Courtney Love- oil pastel, experimenting with colour. 

pen and ink- smiley dog

fox/ anti fur campaign- collage, ink and bleach 

rhondda colliers- charcoal and pastel

operation- thick acrylic and pastel

advertising projects

I created some posters for 'Skittles' using acrylic ink and soft pastel. I wanted them to look fun, and colourful, without being to busy! using the slogan taste the rainbow, I developed my ideas.

I really liked the contrast of the black silhouette of the children against the bright colours in the background.

needs a bit more colour... development work

more development work, but my favorite of the three ideas.